Wednesday 26 November 2008


hiiiii :)
today in media studies, we were discussing our coursework plans and ideas...

we decided to attempt to shoot an action/thriller/suspence film...

our first idea was to have it set in the middle of a forest:
basically two girls in a broken down car, a bit panicky as hey are not sure what to do to get the car started again.
once girl tries to call their boyfriend to get some help but there is no signal (close up on the phone then her frustraed face...)
one of the girls then decides to get out of the car and open the car bonnet to see if anything is wrong, while the other girl sits in the car...
an establshng shot, shows the girl checking the front of the car and shows the audience they are stranded in the middle of a forest... you can also see that it is beginning to get darker.
It goes silent and there is a chll in the air. the girl at the front of the car shouts to the girl in the car asking her to turn the engine on... there is no reply. the camera is at an angle where you cannot see past the bonnet.
there is a close up on the girl outside the car, with a worried expression.
she slowly moves towards the passanger door to see why her friend isn't replying...
(whle this is happening we would have some suspense music playing and building up). The girl has gone (a sudden drum bang).
there is then a close up of her face as she is worried and confused and a little scared...
she wizzes around sharply and the camera follows her face which blurs the background, this would give a sense of confusion and panic... it would also make the audience lose the sense of direction.
somethng moves in the bushes and the girl screams the missing girls name... no reply... she gets out her phone to ring the other girl, but then realises the other girls phone is buzzing on the concrete next to her (close up of phone and then close up of girls panicking expression).
the girl starts to get very scared and the suspense music starts to play and build up in the background.
there are rustles of leaves and the sound of big large footsteps and the sound of a body being dragged, this time we could use a point of view shot, spnnng around as she turns to the car and jumps in it.
she is catching her breath and looking around. the car jults a little and she gasps. she locks the doors and hold the steering wheel with a sweaty grip looking around her...
the suspense music is still building up and getting louder... the doors automatically unlock and she looks horrified (close up). she frantically presses the lock button again and the camera closes up on her hand on the lock of the car and it unlocks once more, she locks it again... tears of fear and frustration roll down her face... at this point the is a close up of her hand by the lock whch includes the bottom half of the window... at the peak of the suspense music and lump of mud splatters against the window making her and the audience jump. as the mud slides down the window we realise the is noone in sight who could of thrown it...
she is breathinfg heavily and the suspense starts to regrow, she puts the key in the ignition and miraculously it works, the car is on and the lights shine forward... as she looks up she sees the other girl standing in the middle of the road about 100 metres in front, she then breaths a sigh of relief and takes the keys out of the ignton, the headlights go off. as she gets out the car she realises that the girl has gone again, she quickly jumps back in the car and lcks the door again...
she grips onto the steering wheel with fear and confusion and looks around sharply. she puts the keys in the igniton again and as the headlights come up the girl is standing in the middle of the road but 50 metres in front... suspense music is playing and the girl realises her friend is covered in blood and her eyes are glazed over... as she struggles to get the car started to drve away it stools and she panics and gets frustrated, she quicky turns the engine on again, expecting the girl to still be in the middle of the road... she looks up as the headlights come on agan for a third time and she sees shes not there. she looks around and as she turns to the right she screams as the grls face is pressed up against her window (looking like a zombie), tilting her head like a lost dog...

this was our 1st idea... we realised it wouldn't work because:

1) we can't drive
2) we will need to film it quick as it gets dark quickly so we couldnt reshoot bits as it wont look right
3) we don't have good enough actors...

however it is quite a good idea because we could
use so many different types of camera angles!

1 comment:

Sacha van Straten said...

Hi Leah,

What a fantastic post! I love how much detail you go into, before revealing that it can't work because none of you can drive!

Given how much effort your group's put in to visualising your idea it seems a shame to ditch it. So...could you find someone else who can drive and storyboard a way of having the shots taken, without showing someone as the driver? What changes to the script would you need to make?

You can take kit away for the weekend, so shooting in the morning to mid afternoon means you should have enough time. You can always darken shots digitally at a later stage.

Let's chat in class tomorrow.

Well done!